A charming medieval city between the land and the sea
Enclosed by nearly three kilometres of ramparts, the town of Dinan and its 14th-century castle proudly overlook the Rance river. Below, the small marina is the starting point for some lovely walks along the estuary, while above, corbelled houses complete the tour of this town with medieval charm.
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Discover Dinan
Step into the atmosphere of the Middle Ages on the steep Rue du Jerzual. The half-timbered houses and houses with pointed gables are a reminder of the town’s wealthy past. From the 14th to 18th centuries, it was busy with weavers and tanners. Today, it’s an essential part of any visit to Dinan. You’ll love strolling around and dreaming in front of the workshop-boutiques of glass-blowers or wood gilders.
A mix of genres
The visit continues with Place des Cordeliers and Place des Merciers. There is a mix of styles here. The half-timbered houses typical of Dinan in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries sit side-by-side. Not far away, Saint-Sauveur basilica, built in the 12th century, blends Byzantine, Persian and Romanesque influences. What is so particular about it? This asymmetrical building was never finished.
Bertrand Du Guesclin, a local child, became famous during the Hundred Years’ War by freeing Normandy and Brittany. His heart rests in Saint-Sauveur basilica. But another personality made the town famous. In the 15th century, Anne of Brittany chose to move here after the death of her husband, King Charles VIII. Dinan is full of celebrities!
Did you know
Medieval festival
Every two years, for a weekend only, the town returns to medieval times. With tournaments, taverns and entertainments, dress up and take part! It’s free to people in costume.
Along the river
From Dinan harbour, the banks of the Rance offer an extremely pleasant environment for walking. Walk along the estuary to Taden. The village still has some old residences and a pretty manor from the 16th century. The walk can continue on the former towpath.