FRA - ILLUSTRATION Illustration quotidienne réalisée en France. FRA - ILLUSTRATION Daily illustration made in France.FRA - ILLUSTRATION Illustration quotidienne réalisée en France. FRA - ILLUSTRATION Daily illustration made in France.
©FRA - ILLUSTRATION Illustration quotidienne réalisée en France. FRA - ILLUSTRATION Daily illustration made in France.|Martin Bertrand

Chill in Brittany

Immersion in sea salt and chlorophyll. Hyper-vitaminised water, emotions, naturally brewed, ever renewed landscape. Brittany is a destination where you can get back to sharing the very best in life. Cultivating its essential. In all its many aspects, its simple pleasures, its conviviality, and finding all you require to recharge your batteries.

Total reconnection

Need to reenergise body and mind? No problem. Take a dash of sea spray. Hyper-vitaminised seawater. Wide open spaces and beneficial nature. In unspoilt greenery, over fresh and salt waters, let yourself go …


A selection of great addresses and top-class visits… to draw inspiration from to your heart’s content!

Take the plunge!

Get going right away, on your own or with your family, relax and do yourself good… The best experiences when it comes to recharging your batteries are this way.

Official website of tourism in Brittany