Saint-Brieuc, Pop Art and good food
Taking place every Whit weekend, the Art Rock Festival is to some extent the event which kicks off a season of festivals in Brittany, with as many episodes as a television series. Every Whitsun without fail, with spring in their hearts, the crowds arrive in this Côtes d’Armor county town. They come to worship at the feet of established cult rock-music icons, or to discover the new Messiahs of pop. Alain Bashung and Sonic Youth, Franz Ferdinand and Block Party, Royal de Luxe and la Fura del Baus… Names that express the brio of St-Brieuc’s Wild Rose Association, turning the town centre into a cultural Mecca every year, because dance, theatre, circus and contemporary arts also take centre-stage alongside the music, at this great artistic celebration. Whether it’s in the covered market in the Place Poulain Corbion, the Grand Théâtre or the Forum, Art Rock is all over “Saint-Broc” – long may it run amok!