Brittany, nature protected

Brittany, nature protected

There are places on earth where natural heritage is of exceptional value. And Brittany, with its astonishing biodiversity, its powerful landscapes including a peninsular rising from the sea, its kaleidoscope of unified habitats between land and water, is one of them! But this unique natural heritage is also fragile. This is why, at all levels, authorities are committed to its preservation. The areas, where natural habitats as well as fauna and flora are protected, are clearly identified. Brittany both reveals and protects itself by stopping the loss of biodiversity, by planning for the future, by guaranteeing sustainability over time through innovation and solidarity. Discover the region immersed in nature.

Three “Grands sites de France” in Brittany

Breathtakingly beautify, famous and cherished: let us introduce you to the Grands Sites de France (France’s sites of major national interest); a label which is attributed by the Government to 19 places which are deeply committed to quality and sustainability whilst respecting their individual setting. In Brittany, three sites have been awarded this distinction: La Pointe du Raz (Raz peninsular), les dunes sauvages (wild dunes) between Gâvres and Quiberon and last but not least: Cap Fréhel and Cap d’Erquy which share the award. Want us to take you there?

Natural reserves of Brittany

Natural reserves are true havens for biodiversity. They are actively involved in responsible resource management and are committed to acquiring a better scientific knowledge of ecosystems: they are schools of life so to speak. Supported all over France by national and local governments as well as by partners, you might even know the eldest of them all! Of course, it is the natural reserve of Sept-Iles which was created in Brittany as early as 1912, to protect the Atlantic puffin. Get to know those unique, rich but fragile habitats.

Natural sites protected by the Conservatoire du littoral

Do you know that the coastal conservation authority (Conservatoire du littoral) looks after 750 coastal and lakeside sites in France out of which 130 can be found in Brittany? Its aim is to acquire and manage lands along the coastline to prevent them from being developed and built upon; thus ensuring that their cultural heritage is protected to. Thanks to the Conservatoire work, sites such as the Raz peninsular (la Pointe du Raz) and the Pink Granite Coast (la Côte de Granit rose) continue to be enjoyed freely by all of us.


Coastal conservation authority sites in Brittany (FR)

The “Natura 2000” in Brittany

Natura 2000 is the name of a preservation biodiversity programme put in place by the European Union. Land and marine sites are chosen because of their ecological richness; the idea being that they will form, in time, a network of natural spaces which will contribute to the protection of wildlife and their habitat for the benefit of their local communities. There are 83 “Natura 2000” sites in Brittany, out of which around 30 are dedicated to the protection of birds.


The “Natura 2000” in Brittany (FR)

A Unesco Biosphere reserve

Emanating from the United-States, UNESCO is renown, all over the world, for a certain number of protected areas, model sites with high ecological values, where protection of biodiversity and sustainable development cohabit. Those are referred to as biosphere reserves.  They are some sorts of testing zones, where population survival can be studied over time. The aim is to demonstrate that man can harness biodiversity without destroying it. In Brittany, at the heart of the regional natural park of Armorique,  three islands of the Mer d’Iroise (Iroise sea) are classed as biosphere reserves: Sein, Ouessant as well as Molène and its archipelago.


Read more (FR)

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Official website of tourism in Brittany