Parcel Tiny House Ferme De KerbastardParcel Tiny House Ferme De Kerbastard
©Parcel Tiny House Ferme De Kerbastard |Ghania Iratni
Know your labels

Know your labels

On holiday, choose sustainable accommodation! The following labels recognise establishments which are committed to responsible practices. Shall we clarify them for you?

  • European Ecolabel

    Logo Ecolabel Européen

    You have probably seen their little flower! This quality label is granted to tourist accommodation by an independent certified organisation called AFNOR which stands for the French National Association for Normalisation (Association Française de Normalisation). It certifies that the establishment in question has made practical steps to save water and electricity, to sort out its waste and to reduce its consumption of chemical products. If the tourist accommodation has a restaurant, it features whether it offers local and/or organic produce. In addition, the whole staff must have attended training on how to adopt an ecologically-friendly attitude.


    Discover the European Ecolabel in Brittany

  • The Green Key

    Logo La Clef Verte

    International label for the environmental management of tourist accommodation, the Green Key is awarded to the most dynamic structures in term of environmental management by the Foundation for Environmental Education (Foundation pour l’Education à l’Environment).  It is really its pedagogical work which sets it apart. Pre-requisites for accreditation are: raising environmental awareness among customers and staff as well as managing open spaces, water, energy and waste in a responsible manner.


    Discover the Green Key establishments in Brittany (FR)

  • Green Globe

    Logo Green Globe

    As indicated in its name, Green Globe is an independent worldwide certification aimed at businesses involved in tourism such as accommodation, restaurants and leisure parks. It takes into account the three aspects of sustainable development: economy, environment and society. Its main strength is to think in terms of continuous improvement; a constant “work in progress” so to speak. It supports companies involved in tourism on their journey to a more environmentally-friendly and socially-conscious management of their activities.


    Green Globe

  • Panda Gîtes

    Logo Gîte Panda

    The Panda Gîtes are bed and breakfasts and holiday cottages certified by the Gîte de France® and the WWF (World Wildlife Fund). You will find them at the heart of nature, in regional natural parks or in national parks. In Brittany, they are all located in the Regional Natural Park of Armorique (Parc Naturel Régional d’Armorique) and in the Finistere. This quality label mainly focuses on the protection of diversity, the preservation of wildlife and their natural habitats. Owners make a pledge to protect the outstanding natural resources which are present on their land.


    Gîtes Panda establishments in Brittany (FR)

  • Hôtel au Naturel

    Logo Hôtels au naturel

    The Hôtel au Naturel quality label is awarded by Regional Natural Parks to hotels which can be found within them; in areas of outstanding natural beauty. The accreditation is underpinned by three principles: the development of the area, the human factor as well as the respect for the environment. Establishments set themselves apart by following simple ecologically responsible practices and by providing quality information to tourists about the local produce and crafts on offer.


    Hôtels au naturel accommodation in Brittany

  • Partir Ecolo

    Logo Partir écolo

    Granted by the Clévacances organisation, the “Partir Ecolo” accreditation recognises holiday cottages, rented accommodation and bed and breakfasts which comply with exact specifications aimed at protecting the environment. Those cover five specific areas: energy consumption, water usage management, use of clean and recyclable products and materials, waste disposal as well as the attention paid to the management of outdoor facilities such as irrigation, vegetation, road surfacing, swimming pools etc.


    Partir Ecolo

  • Ecogîte

    Logo Eco Gîte

    The Ecogîte accreditation, on the other hand, focuses on the design and renovation of accommodation. Gîtes de France® guarantees that the accredited accommodations were built or restored using techniques and materials which are recognised as having a low environmental impact from construction to deconstruction. Its architecture complies with its natural or built surrounding. It contributes to the respect or the improvement of the existing landscape, to the management of its waste and is committed to reduced water usage.


    Ecogîtes accommodation in Brittany

  • Chouette Nature

    Logo Chouette Nature

    After the panda, the owl! Awarded by the “Cap France” label, the “Chouette Nature”accreditation is awarded to holiday resorts which are committed to live in harmony with the natural environment. What else? The consumption of water and energy is controlled, cleaning products are ecologically friendly and waste recycling is systematic. They also make a pledge to promote local produce (foodstuff, vegetation etc.) and activities taking place in nature.


    Chouette Nature (FR)

  • Ethic Etape

    Logo Etic Etapes

    Ethic Etapes accommodation, it is primarily an area of exchange and sharing for groups and individuals, based on the associatif and responsible spirit. A “Youth Hostel” involved with local economic partners, eager to protect the environment and the local heritage. Practically, it means that those establishments, strongly anchored into the land, are open all year round. For them, warm hospitality, a rich cultural mix and a sense of citizenship are not empty promises.


    Ethic Etape accommodation in Brittany

  • Accueil Paysan

    Logo Accueil Paysan

    Accueil Paysan, what’s that? It is a network of rural players – farmers or not – who invite guests to share their lifestyle whether it be tourists, children or disadvantaged group in partnership with other key local players. The farms which are part of the scheme adopt a reasoned approach to farming with practices respectful of the environment and its diversity. Based on a relationship of exchange and sharing, this network provides visitors with a unique and original way of discovering the region, of being warmly welcome into its fold and of establishing even stronger links between town and country.
    Accueil Paysan members who belong to Responsible Tourism of Brittany


    Discover all the “Accueil Paysan” establishments (FR)

  • Regional Natural Park Values

    Logo Valeurs Parc Naturel Régional

    It is the own quality label of the Regional Natural Parks of France. It is awarded to companies and activities which are committed to the sustainable economic development of the region. It is underpinned by three strong values: the human dimension, the protection of the environment and the commitment to the local community. Regional Natural Park Value accredited accommodation provide a warm welcome with hosts willingly sharing their intimate knowledge of the local area.

    Discover “Park Values” accommodation in Brittany (FR)

Official website of tourism in Brittany