Lunch – Delight in Tome de Rhuys, direct from the farm
Do you know Tome de Rhuys? It’s the Breton cheese par excellence! It is made with milk from Pie Noire cows at Ferme Fromagère de Suscinio, in Sarzeau, in the middle of the Gulf of Morbihan regional nature park. Taste it at the farm, on the large wooden tables at the “Pie Noire Café”. Enjoy it as it is, with bread and butter from the farm, or grated over a Croqu’en Rhuys, or even in a Breton cassoulet. Earlier in the morning, you can watch how it is made. One of the secrets of its unique taste is that it is salted with Guérande salt!
Prices : €€ – €€€
Production at 10:30am (phone +33 (0)6 60 73 59 12 to be sure of production days). The farm can be visited from April to October.