Quiberon Surf Emmanuel BerthierQuiberon Surf Emmanuel Berthier
©Quiberon Surf Emmanuel Berthier|BERTHIER Emmanuel
Gâvres-Quiberon, a ‘Grand Site de France’Wild dunes as far as the eye can see

Gâvres-Quiberon, a ‘Grand Site de France’

As if moored beside the Atlantic, Gâvres-Quiberon is the largest bank of sand dunes in Brittany. A ‘Grand Site de France’, the label given to major tourist attractions, this wild ocean landscape is home to amazing plants and wildlife. Take a deep breath and gaze towards the horizon…

An endless landscape, between two rocky headlands

The long chain of dunes stretches in a continuous line for 35 km, with a rocky headland at each end. From one peninsula to the other, the Grand Site of Gâvres-Quiberon gives you a sense of infinity. Covering 2,500 hectares, this is the largest natural area on Brittany’s coast. You’ll find several kinds of dunes: shifting dunes that change with the wind and tides, grey dunes covered with scrubby vegetation, and raised dunes on Quiberon’s Wild Coast. The outlines of the Île de Groix and Belle-île-en-Mer rise from the sea, which is everywhere. In the hinterland are lakes and mudflats, which contribute to the ecological wealth of the dunes. Around 700 plant species cover the area with a thousand colours: shy violets, pink sea thrift and yellow-green Liparis loeselii, a rare orchid… Can you smell something spicy? That’s the scent of the curry plant. Did you hear a shrill, rolling whistle? It’s the song of the Kentish plover running across the foreshore. A natural spectacle you’ll never grow tired of.

Follow the coastal path on foot or by bike

Prepared to be dazzled by the scenery on the GR34 long-distance coast path. Looking out to sea, the views are magnificent, taking in the sandy beaches from Etel to Plouharnel, and the craggy cliffs with their secret coves along Quiberon’s Wild Coast. Looking inland, you’ll see dolmens, menhirs and burial chambers. How about exploring this Grand Site without letting your feet touch the ground? Get on your bike and cycle along the coastal greenway, ‘La Littorale’. The route takes you through typical Breton hamlets, including Sainte-Barbe with its stone houses and charming chapel. Then you’ll weave between the blockhouses at the Site du Bego and ride along the narrow isthmus of Penthièvre, the gateway to the Quiberon Peninsula. Coming back, take the Tire-Bouchon (the regional train between Auray and Quiberon) for a trip with a difference!

Official website of tourism in Brittany